Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Meeting Mr.Right

Have I ever told you about how I met my Rob? Well, you're missing a great story then! About three years ago my Mom and her best friend of twenty-something years, Hildred were discussing Rob, Hildred's nephew and how he so great and a Christian guy and who could they set him up with, would I maybe want to meet him? A few more inquiries about who this guy was and I agreed, they could give him my number, well, within about a month he called, at first he had to leave a message, a rather unenthusiastic message, like he was made to, I might add, and I thought, gosh, don't do me any favors (in all fairness, he had just been at work for a double). But when we did talk, we talked for about a half hour on the phone and I had a good feeling already.

Here's the thing, while I was in the dating world, "kissing toads", I had made a list, criteria, if you will, for the man I needed, to get married again. I had that list in front of me during that phone call, and I checked off a few of them, this may sound completely unromantic on my part, but getting hurt by yet another Mr.Wrong, was not what I wanted, so now, I had standards and high ones at that!

Things on my list included, a Christian, a family- oriented man, a leader, someone with a strong sense of who he is, and a good communicator. Now, also on the list were things like, funny and romantic, it was a very well-rounded 27 item list. I had prayed over this list in the months before and Rob sounded like a good possibility.

On our first date, I met him at the restaurant and he was standing there in front of Timberline Steakhouse with a bouquet of flowers and I would love to tell you, just then he scored big points, and good looking - bonus! This interview, I mean, date was off to a good start (hey, I had two kids to think about!). The conversation from about 6:30pm to 3am never lagged and I checked off 24 things off my list. I don't think I had ever been so completely honest with anyone, but my therapist, ever. It was freeing, so relaxing, to just be myself. I was truly not concerned with what his opinion of me was one way or the other, I had standards for him and he was hitting a home run and I think for the first time I felt like finally I was worth it and bending over backwards trying to be someone I was not for the person I was with was not going to even be an option.

In discovering more about Rob I remembered meeting, Keith, his son. I only remembered him from when he was a baby and about two, over at Hildred's house. But I remembered even then being taken with this adorable little guy, he had stolen my heart, way back then, and seeing Rob's pictures of him, it brought that all back to me, Keith, was one in a million for sure.

I was truly amazed at the things we talked about, things you just don't talk about till the fourth or fifth date, at least, but you know, both of us being parents and knowing who we are as individuals actually made it easier to know if the two could become one. Neither one of us were here to make a new friend, we were looking for Mr./Mrs.Right. Walking on air in the early morning hours out of the Denny's on Wanamaker, which that night, was the most fabulous coffee spot in the world, I actually was 98% sure that I had met him, my Mr.Right.

Growing up with such a godly, strong father, I was measuring this man up to the very high standard, Daddy, himself. Yes, I know, it has not escaped me that he does look a lot like my Dad, that was not a qualification, I promise! With Rob, I have never felt uncomfortable in his
presence, never even self-conscious, perfectly comfortable, treated like a queen, respected!
He is a good and godly man, and he came with references!

That first date was September 27, 2004, our engagement, October 30, 2004, and our beautiful wedding on Christmas Eve, 2004, all a testament to how well we fit each other. Don't make the mistake of thinking that we are similar, we are so very different in every way, but it is our differences that make us two parts of this whole marriage and we truly appreciate our differences, and we respect each other for them.

I am not writing this telling you a fairy tale of happily ever after, we have had our rough patches and trials and obstacles to overcome, but the fact is, "what God has joined together...", we have taken our vows to each other very seriously and walk in faith that God will lift us up.

Very important to me is a man that I can respect, someone whose actions actually demand respect, and Rob is one of those men that stands upright and does what is right, is hard-working and is faithful to his family and to God and that I can respect.

Through all the trials we are going through in this marriage, the flood, for example, comes to mind, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man beside me to be strong when I am weak and that I can lift up in his weakness. We would not claim to have all this figured out, but what we don't, God does, and we have the faith that binds us together, and we will learn it as we go along.

I could go on and on, and I will, throughout my bloggings about that many wonders that is Rob. The happiness and the blessings on us as a result of us following God closely and keeping our eyes on Him has been a tremendous foundation for our marriage. I thank God for my Mr.Right!

I love you honey!

1 comment:

The Mama said...

It's so nice to know how strong some couples are these days. It's reassuring in a world of chaos and celebrity marriages making front page news constantly. I hope you have plenty of years to love each other.
And P.S. I love Zach's photos. So cute and very revealing of his awesome personality!