Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today At The Zoo

We started off early, hoping to beat the heat, but by 9:30 am it was already 85 out!  Oh well, the kids didn't seem to mind one bit.  
We checked out the improved rain forest, which was really neat, and finally not so hot.  Additions included the waterfall, and what looks like fruit trees.  There was a nice cool breeze throughout and they were so happy to see the flamingos were back.
They kids were wide-eyed and exited at all the additions made.  I started taking binoculars to the zoo with us this year, not because they need them at our zoo really,
but they add a little extra fun element to our trip.

Grace had won a painting done by an elephant almost two years ago, we kept forgetting to go to the gift shop and ask about it, but today, she remembered, and I was stunned that they still had it with her name on it.  She is so excited!
The newly refurbished primate exhibit is pretty neat, they are doing a good job updating it.  We were about to leave, when it happened again!  You may have read this post and know what I'm talking about, but it has happened at least four other times (that I can remember!).  Zach will be minding his own business, just watching an animal that is going about its business, when something about him catches their eye and they come right up to the glass, following his every move!  
This is Tiffany, and she is OLD, I remember her from when I was a little girl and I had to look it up to confirm that she has been at the Topeka Zoo since 1969.  Maybe it goes without saying that she is not the most exciting gorilla, but today, we watched her sit by a tree for quite awhile, when she gets up and walks right up to the glass where Zach was standing, it scared him a little at first, he wasn't expecting that to happen.  She then just sat staring at Zach for the longest time, the kids were captivated! 
Previous animals have even been know to bang on the glass when I would touch him or when he has started to walk away.  It really causes me to ponder what my Zachary "Lion" (the nickname Ethan accidentally gave him at birth when he tried to say Zachary Ryan) will be when he grows up.  A veterinarian?  A Zoologist?  He seems to have something that attracts the animals to him.
A good trip to the Topeka Zoo needs to end with a mini train ride, so of course, we did.  And then we were home by lunch and before it got really hot!  We only visited half of the animals today, so we will be back to visit the other half another day.

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