Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A seven year old serious discusion

At dinner the other night my niece, Joy, who is 7 asked me a very thoughtful question,

(Joy) "How did it feel when you got your hair cut?"
(Me) "How did it feel, do you mean emotionally or physically?"
(Joy) "Emotionally"
(Me, as straight-faced as possible) "Well, I tell ya, Joy, it was hard, I really miss my long hair too, but when I think about the little girl or boy who got a wig because I gave my hair, I feel better"
(Joy) "The sick ones (kids)?"
(Me) "Yep"
(Joy, with fluctuation) "Oh! Okay!"

Apparently, this was a good enough answer to satisfy her curious mind, and I have to say, I don't think I ever would have considered the question myself. She's a deep one, that little girl, more sensitive than I ever knew too!

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