Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Home School

Many may know that I was home schooled from the third grade on, but maybe you didn't know that. As a Mom now, I know why my parents chose this for me and my siblings, there are such amazing experiences and values we gained from that time in our lives, knowledge that I draw on, on a daily basis, and not just scholastically. I have voiced my frustration of the public school system and my disapproval of many of the influences there, so now, I am going to do something about it! All the kids have had their struggles in one area or another and I am determined to learn to teach them each in their own learning style and instill the values and principles important to living a godly life.
We got ourselves registered with the state and Ethan is the first one to stay at home. We began yesterday, and I have to say, it went very well, he is very excited. Grace is anxious to start, and Keith is skeptical. I am going to use a unit study approach and see how that works for us, this first unit study is Little House on the Prairie, we are reading the book by Laura Ingalls Wilder, of course, but we are also going to study one room school houses, log cabins, and other aspects of that time in our Kansas History. Our animal that we are studying is the Wood Plains Bison, and wouldn't you know there is an entire herd living nearby that we are going to go see even!
We have chosen to use the year-round schedule for education, it just seems to offer more flexibility and I think it will just fit into our lives a little better, plus there isn't the time of review necessary after the long summer break.
Talk about your adventures, this may be the biggest one yet, time for school!


Shawna said...

Yay! You will love it. Every day (yes, even the bad/hard ones) I stand in awe that I have the privilege of staying home with my kids and teaching them. Let me know if you need anything - this town is FULL of resources. We recently got plugged into a great group.

Tracy said...

May your time together be blessed and annointed. You are right... its so important to plant seeds of truth in our children - let's not waste the oppurtunity! :)

nates5bs said...

Woo hoo! Since I've been a little preoccupied (and you know why), I didn't realize you'd taken the plunge already. Congratulations and have fun!